
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sierra Seniors radio show December 18th, 2010

1450 KVML AM - 9:05am-9:30am

written by: Roberta Goodwin

Host: Cathie Peacock

Guest: John Zach,  H&R Block
Cathie chatted with her guest, who outlined useful and timely tax tips for Seniors.  John Zach is the manager of the Sonora H&R Block which sponsored the show, and he discussed some of the new things to remember for preparing for 2010 taxes.  He or his staff are able to answer questions.  Call 209-532-5995.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sierra Seniors radio show December 11th, 2010

1450 KVML AM - 9:05am-9:30am

written by: Roberta Goodwin

Host: Cathie Peacock

Guest: Bob Kilgore of the Community Christmas Eve Day Dinner, 12/24/10, noon-6pm, Mother Lode Fairgrounds, Sonora. Free, open to all.

Mother Lode Fairgrounds:
Stockton Road/Highway 49, Sonora. December 24, 2010
To volunteer, make a meals/ride reservation, or to ask questions, call 209-586-4802.

Cathie chatted with her guest, who described the affair, which has been held for many years. The concept was initiated back when by two women who ran across the same kind of event when traveling in Europe. They liked it so much they came back and started the Sonora dinner.

He himself has worked on the dinner since 2005, with Cathie and the many local volunteers, he explained, and he invited anyone wishing to help to sign up for this year's event, as there are many chores including food preparation, delivery of the meals, and serving of same on-site. Work starts on 12/22. He needs people to unload supplies, assist with storing the supplies, and on successive days to help start the set-up and food prep/cooking, etc. On the day itself, he needs people to greet, serve and clean up. Anyone can help as little or much as they can. Or they can sign up for official shifts, at 2 hours each: from 12-2, 2-4, and 4-6 pm.
Sit down jobs are available as well. Grandchildren/children are welcome, and can do simple chores to help.

For the children, one of Santa's helpers will be there in the "far end of the room" to see them, and to give each child a small gift. This feature of the event is sponsored by Curtis Creek School, the PTA and others.

The dinners will be served in the middle building at the fairgrounds, and at no cost. For those who may need help getting to the site, rides will be available to and from your home, from volunteer drivers, and meals can also be delivered to you. Just call 209-586-4802 by 12/21/10 to make a reservation for either a meal (specify time of day and how many meals, please), or for a ride to and from the fairgrounds.

When you arrive at the site, there will be people helping you park. To enter, go to the side of the building facing the grass. A greeter will escort you to your table and give you a ticket designating a ham or turkey dinner, and serve it to you. Other volunteers will bring you your beverage and dessert.

Donations are of course appreciated, either in terms of food (turkeys and hams are particularly appreciated!), water, plates and utensils, coffee (
call 209-586-4802 to find out what is needed), or to donate money. Please send your checks - in any amount - to PO Box 594, Mi-Wuk, CA 95346, or call 209-586-4802 for arrangements, or if you have any questions.

Mother Lode Fairgrounds: Stockton Road/Highway 49, Sonora. December 24, 2010
To volunteer, make a meals/ride reservation, or to ask questions, call 209-586-4802.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14th, 2010

Tuolumne County Commission on Aging


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sierra Seniors radio show Oct. 9th, 2010

October 09, 2010 Sierra Seniors radio show 1450 KVML AM - 9:05am-9:30am

written by: Roberta Goodwin

Host: Cathie Peacock

Guest: Sandy Perkins of the Tuolumne County Health Fair and Flu Clinic for Adults, at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds October 19-20, 2010. Featuring free screenings for early detection of disease.

Cathie chatted with her guest, who encouraged seniors and anyone to attend, especially those who didn't have or lost their health care coverage as early detection of health problems is so important. Blood draws in the
Manzanilla Building will be $20.00 with the results back usually within two weeks-or less. Seniors are also encouraged to get testing done for glaucoma, hearing, and vision.

Other offerings: Food and beverages will be available in the Sierra Building at no cost, this possible through donations. For those who may need help getting around, wheelchairs are available, as well as a golf cart service between buildings and to and from the parking lot.

Mother Lode Fairgrounds: Stockton Road/Highway 49, Sonora. October 19-20, 2010
To volunteer, or to ask questions, contact Sandy Perkins, 209 533-7428.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


The Tuolumne County Commission on Aging leads the way as a visible advocacy group, promoting an improved quality of life on behalf of our senior community.


The Commission on Aging is an informed voice in the community, to advise, support and advocate on any or all matters affecting the aging in Tuolumne County.